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Use the search screen to find accessions.


How to search


Fill out one or more fields in combination to find accessions.

Use the "X" to clear individual fields or the whole screen.

Many search fields offer Autocomplete capabilities which provide a list of suggestions while you type into the field. Some field will not provide suggestions until several characters have been entered, such as the Accession / Item number and location field.

Search Near Me will use your GPS location. Please note that your initial GPS precision might be very poor when first activated, but within a short amount of time should improve considerably.

To list your own checklists in the autocomplete list, type in your initials in the Event field. The type of events will include events related to plants, accessions, locations and taxa.

Click the search symbol on the toolbar to perform your search.

The search result will be displayed as a list or map.


Barcode scanning


Use the camera as barcode scanner by clicking the barcode symbol on the toolbar.

To be able to scan barcodes using an integrated scanner, please configure your scanner by following the configuration guide for the Zebra DataWedge App.



Optical label text scanning (experimental)


Use the camera to scan a plant label and search in your collection by clicking the robot symbol on the toolbar.

After scan, select the line(s) you would like to use for search.

The scanned result can also be edited.

Select accession number or plant name.


Recording new accessions


To record a new accession, click the plus symbol on the toolbar or swipe from the left edge of the screen to access the system menu. 


Small screen devices


The Autocomplete list might overlap the entry field on some small screen devices. To fix this, please follow our tips for small screen devices.






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